Build Muscle at Any Age: At 64, my client Roger is crushing it!
May 16, 2024Whatever your age or reason, it’s never too late to start. Most of my clients are between 40 and 95 years young. While their goals and fitness levels may vary, they all share one common aim: to stay healthy, mobile, and strong to maintain a higher quality of life. The more muscle they build and the stronger they become, the greater the benefits—and these benefits continue well into their 80s and 90s. Considering they only need to train twice a week, that’s a lot of reward for minimal time investment.
Here’s a Q&A with my 95-year-young client, Doris, about her strength training routine. What impresses me most about Doris is her unwavering commitment to her workouts—she never misses a session and always shows up with her A-game. Doris proves that the 90s can be active and fun when you prioritize your health and refuse to let anyone call you old.
What’s your superpower?
“Genetically, I believe I was born with a happy outlook on life, and nothing has changed that. Of course, there have been tragedies, such as the loss of my husband and youngest daughter, but I continue to expect the best—and life continues to reward me.”
~ Doris G.
Q&A with Doris
Q. Why did you start training with us and how long has it been?
A. I probably started training at the Vancouver Club in the late 90s. My husband was very keen on keeping fit and I joined him at the time but with little enthusiasm. Cannot remember why, but I decided to leave the VC and train with you and Ken. I much enjoyed the experience and rarely missed a session and have kept it up to this day.
Q. What are your most favorite and least favorite exercises at the studio?
A. Anything goes, though my least favorite are the core exercises, probably because they are the ones I need the most.
Q. Do you have a daily exercise regime besides training at the studio?
A. Yes. Daily (well nearly daily) I do about 10 minutes of stretching, 10 minutes of balancing, and if I’m not going to the studio, about 15 minutes of leg and arm strength training exercises that you have designed for me at home.
Q. How often do you dance and how long have you been doing it for?
A. I take 3, 45 minute ballroom dance lessons a week and have done so for about 20 years.
Q. What did you do for work and do you miss it?
A. I was a Cardiologist for 45 years and, though I loved the work and was sure I’d miss it, I don’t. Every day is a Saturday for me now.
Q. What are you grateful for?
A. Nearly everything—My daughter and son, my wonderful friends, this beautiful city in which I live, my garden, dancing, books and being fit.
Q. What is your superpower?
A. Genetically (I think) I was born with a happy outlook on life and nothing has changed that, though of course there have been tragedies (e.g. the death of my husband and youngest daughter etc.) I continue to expect the best and continue to be rewarded.
Q. Do you have any regrets in life?
A. Not one.
Doris’s Strength Training Routine

It’s never too late to build muscle and improve bone health. Whether you’re in your 40s or 90s, starting is what matters. A well-rounded, progressive strength and power training program that targets all major muscle groups can benefit you at any stage of life.
Plank works your core muscles, which are between your pelvic floor and diaphragm. The area is also known as your trunk or core that include rectus abdominis (referred to as “abs”), obliques (run along the side of your abdomen), and transversus abdominis (a deep abdominal muscle that wraps around your sides and spine) These muscles support your movements, stabilize the spine, improves posture, protects your lower back and prevents injuries.

Side Planks
Side planks work the deep spinal stabilizing muscle Quadratus lumborum (a continuation of transverse abdominal muscle). Keeping this muscle strong can help reduce your risk of back injuries. Planks and side planks strengthen your core without stressing your back. Unlike crunches and situps, side planks don’t put pressure on your lower back.

Landmine Press
The landmine press is a compound movement that targets several muscle groups in the body. It improves upper body strength and core stability. It’s also a great exercise for those who lack mobility in their shoulders.

TRX Pull Ups
The TRX pull ups help strengthen the shoulder stabilizers, spinal erectors, and deep abdominal muscles. This can help prevent injuries to the shoulders and lower back while improving overall coordination for day-to-day life.

Pallofs target the muscles of your abdominal, obliques, and overall core. It’s a versatile movement that works on strength, balance, and stability to keep your core muscles strong.

KB Swings
The Kettlebell swing is a great full-body exercise; improving cardiovascular health, working the upper and lower body including the core muscles. Different variations can target different muscle groups.

The prowler push helps increase the lower body’s force output and ground reaction forces. This improves upper body, lower body and core strength. It increases cardiovascular health, improves unilateral lower body strength and enhances hip and ankle mobility.