January 9, 2024

The Connection Between Sugar, Insulin & Weight Loss!

In this article we look at: why insulin is called a fat hormone, how sugar and refined carbs affect your metabolism, why the type of carbohydrate you eat matters, why exercise is the magic pill and how you can harness the power of intermittent fasting and a low-carb diet to change your biology and maintain a healthy weight.
September 27, 2024

95 Years Young: Fitness Has No Age-Q&A with my client Doris

What I most find impressive about Doris is her commitment and prioritization of her workouts. She never misses her workouts and always shows up with her A game. Doris has shown me that the 90s can be fun, active by prioritizing your physical health and never, ever letting anyone call you old.



Here are some key risk factors for all- cause mortality (dying) that significantly increase the risk: smoking (50%), diabetes (30%), high blood pressure (20%), and kidney disease or coronary heart disease (25%).
However, the risk of dying increases substantially (250%) if you're weak compared to being strong. Just one fall resulting in a broken hip or even a week of bed rest can drastically reduce your chances of living independently again. Loss of muscle mass and strength begins around age 50. For each year after that, you'll experience approximately a 1% loss of muscle volume, a 3% reduction in strength, and an 8% decline in force and speed of movements.
To prevent or at least mitigate these effects, engaging in strength training 2 to 3 times a week becomes crucial.

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Wahid Gardizi is a registered holistic nutritionist (R.H.N) and the founder of G30. He is a former World Class athlete who believes that success is a by-product of effort and consistency. Wahid makes the weight-loss process as easy as possible with his 30-day approach by providing the complete package of balanced diet, personalized fitness and home-delivered organic meals. Wahid is an organic food advocate and believes that now, more than ever, you are what you eat.

Professional athletes like Wahid don’t get to the top shape by accident. It takes superhuman levels of time, dedication, and focus. He has competed internationally and is a former Canadian and World Champion in natural bodybuilding. Wahid understands determination and drive. He knows just about everything there’s to know about setting goals and reaching them at levels far beyond what you expect.